May Club Meeting

The May meeting will be held in person at Northern Lighthouse Church (6141 N 14th St, Lincoln); masks are required, and sanitizer will be available. The meeting will also be available via Zoom: (meeting: 937 5139 3405; Passcode: 554816).

Dr. Mentzer

At public service events, do you know what to watch for if you think a participant or fellow Ham is having a heart attack? This month’s meeting will feature a presentation by Dr. Gina Mentzer, a cardiologist with Pioneer Heart Institute. Dr. Mentzer is a regional leader in cardiac care who will share best practices and things to avoid when we’re on point at a public service event. We will also enjoy a lesson on Layperson CPR.

Consider how learning this information can help you, whether at a public service event or running errands, to be better prepared. We never know when an emergency could happen, and this is one way we can be ready should the need arise. Please plan to attend either in person or on Zoom, and welcome one of Lincoln’s finest cardiologists to our club meeting.