March Club Meeting

The March meeting will be held in person at Northern Lighthouse Church (6141 N 14th St, Lincoln); masks are required and sanitizer will be available. It will also be available via Zoom at: (meeting: 955 8751 6342; Passcode: 769304).

Severe Weather Spotting

This month we are lucky to welcome Jeremy Bower, the owner of JRBStorm Photography, who will talk about what the severe weather spotter needs to know during a storm deployment.

Jeremy holds a B.S. in Atmospheric Science from Ohio State University and has been a storm chaser, University of Nebraska Vortex Intercept Team member, forecaster, and meteorologist for the Lancaster County Emergency Management Agency (EMA). His work has been showcased on The Weather Channel, National Geographic, and the National Weather Service. Jeremy has blended his weather and photography passions and developed educational and outreach channels. I’m sure he will show us some of his spectacular images, too.

Technician Class Being Offered

The Technician Class will be starting on Thursday, February 25. It will run for approximately seven weeks on Thursday evenings from 6:30-9:30 pm and be held via Zoom. The class will be taught by Aaron Rogge, NØADR, and Bryan Leavitt, WØBCL.

The class is free, but registration is required. Please register at The Zoom information will be emailed to all registrants before the first class.

A copy of the ARRL Ham Radio License Manual 4th Edition is highly recommended. It is available from most booksellers, including Amazon and directly from the ARRL.

In the event there are fewer than 10 students registered, the class will be canceled. Notice will be posted to and at the registration link. Spread the word. Now is a great time to get your Technician license and start enjoying the wonderful world of Amateur Radio.

If you have any questions, email

February Club Meeting

The February meeting will be held in person at Northern Lighthouse Church (6141 N 14th St, Lincoln); anyone who does not feel comfortable attending in person or is unable to attend may access the meeting via this Zoom link: (meeting: 951 3629 6422; Passcode: 882353).

Lew Sieber: NFS Fire Shop Manager

We are honored to have Lew Sieber, Nebraska Forest Service Fire Shop manager, as our first presenter of the year. In this role, Lew provides an interesting service to volunteer fire departments, state and local government leaders, and Nebraska’s citizens. Most people do not realize how this benefits Nebraskans.

We are planning for the meeting to be at Northern Lighthouse Church on February 10, assuming Lancaster county COVID-19 levels stay in the orange. Masks and physical distancing are required, and sanitizer will be available. Family members who reside under the same roof may sit together. A Zoom link ( is available for those who do not yet feel comfortable attending in-person gatherings.

2021 Club Dues

The LARC Board has reduced Full Membership dues to $15/year beginning with 2021. If you have already paid $20 for your 2021 membership please email with your choice of the following options: receive a $5 refund, receive credit towards your 2022 membership, or donate to a LARC activity/fund of your choice.

The membership form has been updated to reflect the changes. If you haven’t renewed, now is a great time.

Thank you for your continued support of the Lincoln Amateur Radio Club.

January Club Meeting

The January club meeting will be held at 7:30 pm in the main parking lot of Mahoney Park, near 70th and Fremont Streets. Talk-in and the meeting will be held on 146.52 (simplex).

ISO Your Great Ideas!

Happy New Year, hopefully. I’m sure you’ll agree that 2020 was a year not worth repeating. The LARC Board appreciates each member’s continued participation during the pandemic.

We will not have a formal program during the January 13 meeting. Instead, LARC president Ed Holloway, KØRPT, and I will lead a discussion about ways the club can plan social events and functions within the county’s current DHMs.

What topics or presenters do you want to be featured at the 10 remaining meetings, February through November of 2021?

Creative ideas that provide socialization while keeping everyone safe will be welcomed during this discussion.