May Club Meeting

The May meeting will be held in person at Northern Lighthouse Church (6141 N 14th St, Lincoln); masks are required, and sanitizer will be available. The meeting will also be available via Zoom: (meeting: 937 5139 3405; Passcode: 554816).

Dr. Mentzer

At public service events, do you know what to watch for if you think a participant or fellow Ham is having a heart attack? This month’s meeting will feature a presentation by Dr. Gina Mentzer, a cardiologist with Pioneer Heart Institute. Dr. Mentzer is a regional leader in cardiac care who will share best practices and things to avoid when we’re on point at a public service event. We will also enjoy a lesson on Layperson CPR.

Consider how learning this information can help you, whether at a public service event or running errands, to be better prepared. We never know when an emergency could happen, and this is one way we can be ready should the need arise. Please plan to attend either in person or on Zoom, and welcome one of Lincoln’s finest cardiologists to our club meeting.

Tech Class Scheduled

The next Technician Class will be starting on Monday, May 3. It will run for approximately seven weeks on Monday evenings from 6:30-9:30 pm. The class will be taught via Zoom by Aaron Rogge, NØADR, and Bryan Leavitt, WØBCL.

This class is free, but registration is required. Please register at The Zoom information will be emailed to all registrants before the first class.

A copy of the ARRL Ham Radio License Manual 4th Edition is highly recommended. It is available from most booksellers as well as Amazon and the ARRL.

In the event there are fewer than 10 students registered, the class will be canceled. Notice will be posted here and at the registration link website.

Spread the word! Now is a great time to get your Technician license and start enjoying the wonderful world of Amateur Radio.

April Club Meeting

The April meeting will be held in person at Northern Lighthouse Church (6141 N 14th St, Lincoln); masks are required, and sanitizer will be available. The meeting will also be available via Zoom: (meeting: 987 0606 9268; Passcode: 864509).

Space Weather and Some Things You Didn’t Know

Matt Anderson, KAØBOJ, will present on space weather and its impact on Amateur Radio. Matt is the ARRL Nebraska Section Manager and has served in this position for seven terms.

Last year, Matt logged nearly 20,000 QSOs. He enjoys chasing DX and has achieved DXCC Mixed, WAS (Worked All States) Mixed, DXCC Digital Mixed, WAS 20-meter Digital, and 80-, 40-, and 20-meter Single Band. He is working on the requirements for 5-Band DXCC, Digital WAS, SSB, CW, and mixed modes.

Matt is a founding member of the Branched Oak Observatory Amateur Radio Club (BOOARC), NØBOO; the Child Evangelism Fellowship of Nebraska Amateur Radio Club (CEFARC), KØCEF; and the Ashland Amateur Radio Club (AARC), KØASH, of which he is also the trustee for the 145.310 repeater.

Fox Hunt 3/21

There will be a transmitter fox hunt next Sunday, March 21, starting at 2:00 pm.

Kelly and Harrison Gubser (NØKDG and NØHDG) will be hiding somewhere in Lancaster County.

Participants will be asked to check in on the 146.76(-) repeater. Once check-in is completed, the fox transmissions will begin on 146.52 simplex. Transmissions will last for two minutes followed by three minutes of silence. This pattern will continue until all of those searching have found the fox.

There are no rules here, just some good ol’ fun on the air! As always, use common sense when navigating your path and whatever triangulation methods you have.

Due to COVID, this will be a non-contact event with no food or snacks provided. Participants finding the fox will be logged in by the order in which they found the fox. Any socializing activity at the end of the event will be at the participants’ own risk.

Check the LARC Facebook page for updates as the event approaches.

—Kelly Gubser (NØKDG) and Harrison Gubser (NØHDG)