October Club Meeting

In-person: Northern Lighthouse Church (6141 N 14th St, Lincoln).
Zoom: bit.ly/LARCProgram (meeting: 937 5139 3405; Passcode: 554816).
DHM: Per the Lancaster County Directed Health Measure (DHM), all in-person attendees are required to wear a mask. Thank you in advance!

John Haxby, KDØHYP

John Haxby, KDØHYP, is an award-winning photojournalist who will present a sample of his storm-chasing photos and describe why he loves his “job.” Through strong ethics, street smarts, and grit, John has achieved success in capturing stories and projects with professionalism and integrity.

John also believes in giving back through work and his private life. For over 20 years, he’s managed “Haxby’s Bears,” a project that has provided more than 34,000 stuffed animals to local and international groups and agencies for children in need.

September Club Meeting

In-person: Northern Lighthouse Church (6141 N 14th St, Lincoln).
Zoom: bit.ly/LARCProgram (meeting: 937 5139 3405; Passcode: 554816).
DHM: Per the Lancaster County Directed Health Measure (DHM), all in-person attendees are required to wear a mask. Thank you in advance!

Presentation by Bob Heil, K9EID

Bob Heil, K9EID, founder of Heil Sound, understood very early in his career as a microphone designer that voice articulation is key to ham radio, both for emergency use and the hobbyist. His ham radio products are a result of that level of concern for the voice. Bob is an Amateur Radio legend, an author, and an in-demand speaker at ham events around the world.

August Club Meeting

Nebraska Task Force One (NE-TF1)

In-person: Northern Lighthouse Church (6141 N 14th St, Lincoln).
Zoom: bit.ly/LARCProgram (meeting: 937 5139 3405; Passcode: 554816).

The presenter for August is Mark Doehling, WDØAAH, from Nebraska Task Force One (NE-TF1). Nebraska Task Force One is among 28 urban search and rescue task forces in the national disaster response system under the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). NE-TF1 was established in 1993 with Lincoln Fire and Rescue as its sponsoring agency. NE-TF1 has been at the forefront of providing aid in disasters like Hurricane Katrina; the Greensburg, Kansas, tornado; the flood in Boulder, Colorado; and many others.

Mark is also the Butler County Emergency Manager, a firefighter, EMT, and EC. He has been a Ham for about 44 years. See you at the club meeting!

June Club Meeting

In-person: Northern Lighthouse Church (6141 N 14th St, Lincoln).
Zoom: bit.ly/LARCProgram (meeting: 937 5139 3405; Passcode: 554816).

NEMA and Amateur Radio

Our June presenter is Troy Harris, radio communications systems coordinator for the Nebraska Emergency Management Agency (NEMA). Before joining NEMA, he served in the United States Air Force as a ground radio communications specialist and airfield systems technician. He is a credentialed type 3 communications unit leader and communications unit technician, and he has completed the instructor’s requirements for both courses.

Troy’s duties include maintaining NEMA’s communications systems and equipment, managing the state’s IPAWS program, and representing the agency on the state emergency communications committee, AMBER/EMA Task Force, and the state radio system users’ group. He will present how NEMA and Amateur Radio work together.

May Club Meeting

The May meeting will be held in person at Northern Lighthouse Church (6141 N 14th St, Lincoln); masks are required, and sanitizer will be available. The meeting will also be available via Zoom: bit.ly/LARCProgram (meeting: 937 5139 3405; Passcode: 554816).

Dr. Mentzer

At public service events, do you know what to watch for if you think a participant or fellow Ham is having a heart attack? This month’s meeting will feature a presentation by Dr. Gina Mentzer, a cardiologist with Pioneer Heart Institute. Dr. Mentzer is a regional leader in cardiac care who will share best practices and things to avoid when we’re on point at a public service event. We will also enjoy a lesson on Layperson CPR.

Consider how learning this information can help you, whether at a public service event or running errands, to be better prepared. We never know when an emergency could happen, and this is one way we can be ready should the need arise. Please plan to attend either in person or on Zoom, and welcome one of Lincoln’s finest cardiologists to our club meeting.