Summer Technician Class

The LARC is offering our FREE Technician License Class, beginning Sunday, July 7 at 1:00 PM at Union College Krueger Center Room 130! The class will run for approximately six weeks on Sunday afternoons.

We highly recommend buying the ARRL’s Technician Class License Manual *FOURTH* Edition. It is available from the ARRL at…/ARRL-Ham-Radio-License-Manual-4th-Ed… it can also be found on Amazon.

For more information, you can email

May Board Meeting

The May Board meeting will be held May 16, starting at 7:00 p.m. at the Lancaster-Lincoln Emergency Operations Center located at 1200 Radcliff St #200.

Future Board meetings are scheduled to meet at the Elks Lodge #80.

May Club Meeting

The May club meeting is May 8 at 19:30. We will meet at LI-COR (4647 Superior Street) – located near the intersection of Superior Street and North 48th Street.

Field Day

Randy King, KØNC, and Jeff Bennett, WØWKP, will share a presentation on the history of Field Day and LARC’s participation over the years. There will also be information on what it takes to set up for emergency operations and opportunities to get on the air.

Volunteer sheets will be available for those interested in participating with setup, teardown, and other aspects of Field Day.

LOG Folding – New Location

LOG folding is this Monday evening, April 29, at 7:00 pm, We will meet at the Elks Lodge #80 on 5910 S 58th St This is the same location as the Holiday Party,  We will no longer be meeting at the Red Cross for LOG Folding.  Come out and join in the fun!
Thank you to the Red Cross for hosting LOG folding for the last few years!