October Club Meeting

The October club meeting will be via Zoom: http://bit.ly/LARCNovMeeting Meeting ID: 850 6270 3061; Passcode: 561270. If you have questions about joining the meeting, please email president@k0kkv.org.

Digital Modes with Joe Eisenberg, KØNEB

Joe will present about FT8, FT4, and another new digital mode just released for the 630 meter and 2200 meter VLF bands. He’ll give an overview of what’s needed to get started in these modes and explain why they are so popular. He will also share why FT8 is the most popular digital mode, practically taking off overnight, and how it’s become a phenomenon.

September Club Meeting

The September club meeting will be online via Zoom (bit.ly/2YKBhF3). If you have questions about joining the meeting, please email president@k0kkv.org.

Elks Lodge #80

This month’s presenter is Harry Montag, Exalted Ruler of Lincoln Elks Lodge #80. For several years, Lincoln Elks have opened their doors to the LARC to host LOG foldings, Board meetings, and the holiday party.

Join us as Harry shares how local Elks improve the quality of life for Lincolnites through community philanthropic programs for children, veterans, and many others.

Tech Class Starting

We will be offering the Tech Class online via Zoom (https://bit.ly/3gOM08r). The course starts August 26 and will run for approximately six weeks on Wednesday evenings from 6:30 – 9:30 pm CDT.

Before the class starts, please make sure that Zoom is working (test instructions) on your device. Zoom is available for Windows, Macs, smartphones, and most tablets. You do not need a Zoom account to join the class. You will need at minimum a mic and speakers (a headset works great). A webcam is also advised.

We will be using the ARRL License Manual, 4th edition. While the manual is not required, it is highly advised. The manual is available for purchase from the ARRL or through Amazon (my personal preference for studying, is the spiral-bound version).

If you have additional questions, send an email to class@k0kkv.org.

July Club Meeting

The July club meeting will be online via Zoom (https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87116498879?pwd=ZjNGLzBNSTlJSGtKc1ZYOUZFcHNYZz09). If you have questions about joining the meeting, please email president@k0kkv.org.

Field Day 2020 Review and COVID-19 Impact

As with so many other community events, LARC’s Field Day activities were relocated and restructured due to COVID-19. Local restrictions forced the committee to move the event from Mahoney Park in Lincoln to an alternate location, a daunting task on its own without the additional restrictions.

How could the committee plan a successful event intended to practice emergency preparations, provide public interaction, and offer a social time for club members when the city imposes limitations?

Join Greg Brown, KTØK, and Ed Holloway, KØRPT, as they give a review of Field Day 2020 planning and event operations.