LARC Program for 7:30 PM, Wed, Nov 11, 2015, at NOTE>> College View SDA Church, 4801 Prescott, Lincoln, NE (3 blocks N of 48th & Pioneers)


Presentation on the various positions, roles, and responsibilities of a board member. There will also be nominations from the floor for the LARC board.—Connie Zehr, NØGMA


This meeting in November will be your last chance to give me your nomination for the Ed Woerner, WAØQJK, award and the Jerry Cox, WØMAO, award. PLEASE think about who you want to nominate and put that on a ballot sheet to be returned to me by the end of the November meeting.

I need the time between the meeting and the Christmas Party to get plaques engraved and certificates printed.  —Connie Zehr, NØGMA