February Club Meeting

The February meeting will be held in person at Northern Lighthouse Church (6141 N 14th St, Lincoln); anyone who does not feel comfortable attending in person or is unable to attend may access the meeting via this Zoom link: bit.ly/LARCFeb21 (meeting: 951 3629 6422; Passcode: 882353).

Lew Sieber: NFS Fire Shop Manager

We are honored to have Lew Sieber, Nebraska Forest Service Fire Shop manager, as our first presenter of the year. In this role, Lew provides an interesting service to volunteer fire departments, state and local government leaders, and Nebraska’s citizens. Most people do not realize how this benefits Nebraskans.

We are planning for the meeting to be at Northern Lighthouse Church on February 10, assuming Lancaster county COVID-19 levels stay in the orange. Masks and physical distancing are required, and sanitizer will be available. Family members who reside under the same roof may sit together. A Zoom link (bit.ly/LARCFeb21) is available for those who do not yet feel comfortable attending in-person gatherings.