LARC Program for 7:30 PM, Wed, Oct 14, 2015, at NOTE>> College View SDA Church, 4801 Prescott (S Entrance * ), Lincoln, NE (3 blocks N of 48th & Pioneers)

The Linux Operating System

In a Windows world, not too many are aware of the open source (i.e., free) operating system called Linux. I’ll be going over the similarities between the two, who uses it, where to get it and how to load a version onto an older computer.

     —Mike Lauver, KØLVR

* Due to a schedule conflict, the next LARC meeting will be changing rooms at College View Church. We will meet in the Youth room.  Use the South entrance, go down the stairs or use the elevator and the room is to the right.  There will be signs directing the way.

     –Aaron Rogge, NØADR


From KØNEB–Links to Equipment Demonstrated at September Meeting

Thanks to Joe Eisenberg, KØNEB, here are links to the equipment he demonstrated at the September 9 LARC meeting:

Elecraft radios:


Super Antennas:

PAC-12 Antennas:

Alpha Antennas:

     –Bob Mitchell, WBØRJJ

LARC Program for 7:30 PM, Wed, Sep 9, 2015, at NOTE>> College View SDA Church, 4801 Prescott, Lincoln, NE (3 blocks N of 48th & Pioneers)

Portable HF

.    HF communications does not have to be difficult with a bunch of bulky equipment. There are various antennas and radios that are well suited for quick HF portable operation. I will be going over a few different radios and antennas to show how easy they are to set up.

     —Joe Eisenberg, KØNEB

LARC Program for 7:30 PM, Wednesday, August 12, 2015, at LI-COR, 4647 Superior, Lincoln, NE.


Improving Your HF Signal

Antennas, Amplifiers and Decibels

Gregory Brown, KTØK, has been a Ham Radio operator since 1961. Never bitten by the amplifier bug, he’s always operated with 100 watts or less and very modest antennas, yet has managed to work over 300 countries. Devoted to good operating practices and manners, he has often “turned the dial” in the face of rude operating by those trying to contact that “rare one.” Who needs the aggravation?

After 53 years with very modest antennas, this past year saw the appearance of a 72-foot tower and new beam in his backyard. The antenna is an Optibeam OB 16-3, a large, trapless Yagi with interlaced monobanders for 10, 15 and 20 meters (8 elements on 10 meters and 4 on both 15 and 20), a total of 16 elements on a 39-foot boom.

So, is the effort and cost of upgrading your antenna system worth it? How does this system “play” compared to the typical short-boom three element trap tribander? Wouldn’t an amplifier give me more contacts? A-B comparisons between a small Yagi at 50 feet and the new Optibeam at 75 feet demonstrate the differences, and those differences may surprise you—as will the truth about amplifiers and power!  

     —Connie Zehr, NØGMA