February Club Meeting

The February club meeting is February 10 at 19:30.  It will be held at Firespring this time. The address is 1201 Infinity Court and is located between Pine Lake and Yankee Hill, west of 14th street.

Per NØGVK: Parking and front entrance on the east side facing 14th street. Talk in on ’76 for any directions.

The program is entitled: Social Conversation

There will be four separate areas of conversation to join in on. Subjects will be suggested and one of them will be discussions for the Board. Others will be more related to Ham radio.

LARC Program for 7:30 PM, Wed, Nov 11, 2015, at NOTE>> College View SDA Church, 4801 Prescott, Lincoln, NE (3 blocks N of 48th & Pioneers)


Presentation on the various positions, roles, and responsibilities of a board member. There will also be nominations from the floor for the LARC board.—Connie Zehr, NØGMA


This meeting in November will be your last chance to give me your nomination for the Ed Woerner, WAØQJK, award and the Jerry Cox, WØMAO, award. PLEASE think about who you want to nominate and put that on a ballot sheet to be returned to me by the end of the November meeting.

I need the time between the meeting and the Christmas Party to get plaques engraved and certificates printed.  —Connie Zehr, NØGMA


November LOG Mail Prep at Christian Record Services Monday Evening, November 2

We’ll meet at 7:00 PM on Monday, November 2, to get about 804 LOGs ready to mail on Tuesday, November 3. Copies of the ready-to-mail LOGs will be folded, stuffed into envelopes, sealed, labeled and then mailed to LARC members everywhere and to all Hams in Lancaster County
We will meet at  Christian Record Services for the Blind, 4444 S 52 Street. (From Pioneers and 52nd Street, drive south two blocks to Linden Street and turn east. Park on Linden Street and enter the building by way of the street-level door.) Thank you to Christian Record Services for providing the Mail Prep work room.
Mail Prep is done one week and two days before the second-Wednesday Club meeting.
Many thanks to all who helped to prepare the October LOGs for mailing. Thanks to all the others involved behind the scenes to make sure a quality, informative newsletter arrives on time in your mailbox and on the Web site. 
We hope YOU will join us at 7:00 PM on Monday evening, November 2.  Good conversation, good humor, and a positive shared experience–come and join us! We’ll even show you our appreciation by giving you an extra LOG just for helping out (while supplies last).
Aaron Rogge, NØADR, aaron@arogge.com
     Co-Editor, Lincoln LOG
     Lincoln Amateur Radio Club, Inc.