November Club Meeting

The November club meeting is Nov. 8 at 19:30. We will meet at LI-COR (4647 Superior Street) – located near the intersection of Superior Street and North 48th Street.

FT8 & Digital Modes

Joe Eisenberg, KØNEB, will present on using digital modes for ham radio and specifically the new mode, FT8.

LOG Folding

Each month a group of volunteers gathers for what is knowns as “LOG folding”.   LOG folding involves folding the LOGs, inserting them into envelopes, sealing the envelopes, applying mailing labels, and some good visiting.  The entire process should only take about an hour.

Each month we need about 15 people, but over the last few months, the number of volunteers has been well below that number and it is generally the same people each month.  LOG folding is a lot of fun, but it grows wearisome and takes a lot longer when very few people show up.

If you enjoy receiving the LOG and have some time, please come out and help, visit with your fellow hams, and have a good time.

The LOG folding schedule is on the website, but if you would like an alert sent to you each month, please drop me an email at

Thank you,
Aaron Rogge, LOG Associate Editor

Field Day

Field Day is this weekend (6/25-6/26) at the Mahoney City Park (Fremont & N 70th).  The event will officially kick off at 13:00 on Saturday.  There will be a picnic at about 17:30 and Fox Hunt on Saturday as well.  The event will run till 13:00 Sunday.

Come out and work the radios, visit, and have a grand time.  Everyone is welcome!  If you don’t have a ham license, that is OK.  You can still come out and participate.