July Club Meeting

Lincoln Electric Systems

Lincoln Electric Systems will be out to do a presentation and demonstration on power safety. Their presentation is always informative and entertaining. I understand some pickles will be part of the demonstration.

Bring your friends and family. Power safety is something all of us need to remember

June Club Meeting

In-person only. Zoom has been discontinued pending that COVID counts remain low in Lancaster County.

Dayton Hamvention: 2022 Overview

Joe Eisenberg, KØNEB, will present on Dayton Hamvention: Reunion 1952 – 2022. After two years of being shut down due to COVID, Hamvention was back, and it was a great success! You won’t want to miss this update!

Dayton Hamvention is sponsored by the Dayton Amateur Radio Association and is the largest Amateur Radio gathering in the world.

May Club Meeting

In-person only. Zoom has been discontinued pending that COVID counts remain low in Lancaster County.

HF Basics

Upgrading from the Technician class to the General class may begin and end with a test, but the challenges of becoming a good HF operator are just beginning! Learning new modes, equipment, and operating procedures can seem overwhelming.

Greg Brown, KTØK, will present a basic introduction to setting up your first station, the proper adjustment and use of HF equipment, and operating procedures to make your transition more enjoyable. There will also be a few tips to help long-time HF operators hone their skills.

April Club Meeting

Soldering Revisited

In-person: LARC Clubhouse (NEW ADDRESS: 4420 NW 41st St., Lincoln).
Zoom: bit.ly/LARCProgram (meeting: 937 5139 3405; Passcode: 554816).

We will continue learning the basics of soldering. It is common for Amateur Radio operators to work with “breadboards” and do a type of soldering called “through-hole.” This is a fundamental skill that every Ham should have.

LARC will provide switches, resistors, LEDs, breadboards, battery connectors, wire, and soldering stations. You get to put it all together into a finished product that will display your new skills. Please bring a 9-volt battery or $1.00 to purchase one from the club. This is a fun project that should not take long to complete.

Club Meeting Start Time Survey

From time-to-time, members have asked me whether the club has considered changing the monthly meeting start time from 7:30 pm to 7:00 pm. At the February Board meeting, the topic was raised for discussion. The consensus was that we need to know what the membership thinks and if moving up the club meeting time a half-hour makes sense. So, please take a moment and fill out the form at forms.gle/2aVW5cTPxx5NS2SS9 and share your thoughts, I’d greatly appreciate it.

Aaron Rogge, NØADR
LARC President