May Club Meeting

Wireless Internet Service

Location: LARC Clubhouse (4420 NW 41st St, Lincoln)

TJ Lattimer and Aaron Clark from Nextlink Internet will present the basics of a Wireless Internet Service Provider (WISP) and how it works. Their presentation will cover the technology, equipment, and frequencies used in fixed wireless internet and explain current government initiatives to bring high-speed internet to the “last mile” of rural America. TJ and Aaron will bring some of the equipment used in the industry for display. The presentation will be approximately 30 minutes, with time at the end for questions and a demonstration of a new coverage area deployment.

TJ and Aaron are excited to share knowledge of the WISP industry and look forward to meeting everyone involved with LARC. “Your organization is truly the ‘first responders,’ keeping every community informed and protected. We appreciate everything you do.”

April Club Meeting

Storm Spotting Techniques in Non-Ideal Environments

Location: LARC Clubhouse (4420 NW 41st St, Lincoln)

Jeremy Bower will examine in-depth storm structure, storm mode, safety, viewing and spotting tips, and reporting techniques through imagery, videos, and time lapses. Several case studies will be introduced to allow the attendees to learn key secrets about storm evolution that will be valuable in preparing for the 2023 severe season and

March Club Meeting

PROGRAM: AM and FM Broadcast Transmitters

Location: LARC Clubhouse (4420 NW 41st St, Lincoln)

Presentation by Ed Holloway, KØRPT

We’ve all seen them – those tall red-and-white towers with lights that flash 30 times a minute. However, have you ever seen what’s at the bottom of those towers? Not many have.

The March club meeting will cover AM and FM broadcast transmitters, including coax, control, and several other things you might find interesting without getting too technical.

As a broadcast engineer, I look forward to sharing some cool pictures and stories about maintaining a few of these towers in the Lincoln area.

February Club Meeting

High Voltage Conductors

In-person only: LARC Clubhouse (4420 NW 41st St, Lincoln)

The February meeting will have a presentation on high voltage conductors by John Huseman, WDØEZI. This presentation will cover overhead and underground power distribution. We all like to put up antennas and towers. Have you ever noticed the high voltage conductors in your yard? Do you know where the underground conductors are? The presentation will discuss the National Electrical Safety Code, not the National Electrical Code. There will be videos of high voltage faults and pictures of skin damage from electric shock. The Amplitude magazine of July / August 2018 will be passed around. You will read about Eduardo Garcia who lost his left arm to electric shock from a faulted underground high voltage line.

January Club Meeting

10 Meters – Cycle 25 Brings the Band Back to Life

In-person only: LARC Clubhouse (4420 NW 41st St, Lincoln)

For those who earned their ham licenses less than eve or ten years ago, the 10 Meter band (28 MHz) probably seems like a deserted wasteland. But, at least during sunspot maximums, 10 Meters is truly a magic band capable of providing exciting worldwide communications for even the most modest stations, and we are currently approaching the maximum for sunspot Cycle 25. That’s great news! More good news, Technician Class hams have nearly full privileges on 10 Meters including voice, CW, and digital modes! This month’s program will highlight what you need to know to fully enjoy “working the world” on 10 Meters, including some historical perspectives, propagation types, equipment, and operating tips. Don’t let the magic of HF radio pass you by! If you miss Cycle 25, you’ll have to wait another 11 years for Cycle 26 (at least for 10 Meters!)…