January Club Meeting

This month’s presentation will be by John Mardock, KRØP. He will present on his new tower and antenna — from governmental approval to an installed system.

We will meet at College View Church (4801 Prescott Ave), in the same room as the last several meetings.  Enter through the south doors (door #2), go down the stairs and to the right.  We will be in the first room on the right.

LARC Program for 7:30 PM, Wed, Dec 9, 2015, at NOTE>> College View SDA Church, 4801 Prescott, Lincoln, NE (3 blocks N of 48th & Pioneers)

This month is Board elections. It is very important that all members attend and cast their votes. Each of the nominees have submitted a bio and picture, which can be found in the December Lincoln LOG when it becomes available (see LOG link above).

Joe Eisenberg, KØNEB, will be working with new Hams and anyone else interested in easy ways to solder.

—Aaron Rogge, NØADR / Connie Zehr, NØGMA

LARC Program for 7:30 PM, Wed, Nov 11, 2015, at NOTE>> College View SDA Church, 4801 Prescott, Lincoln, NE (3 blocks N of 48th & Pioneers)


Presentation on the various positions, roles, and responsibilities of a board member. There will also be nominations from the floor for the LARC board.—Connie Zehr, NØGMA


This meeting in November will be your last chance to give me your nomination for the Ed Woerner, WAØQJK, award and the Jerry Cox, WØMAO, award. PLEASE think about who you want to nominate and put that on a ballot sheet to be returned to me by the end of the November meeting.

I need the time between the meeting and the Christmas Party to get plaques engraved and certificates printed.  —Connie Zehr, NØGMA


From KØNEB–Links to Equipment Demonstrated at September Meeting

Thanks to Joe Eisenberg, KØNEB, here are links to the equipment he demonstrated at the September 9 LARC meeting:

Elecraft radios: http://www.elecraft.com

Yaesu: http://www.yaesu.com

Super Antennas:  http://www.newsuperantenna.com

PAC-12 Antennas: http://www.qrpkits.com

Alpha Antennas:  https://amateurradiostore.com

     –Bob Mitchell, WBØRJJ