June Club Meeting

In-person only. Zoom has been discontinued pending that COVID counts remain low in Lancaster County.

Dayton Hamvention: 2022 Overview

Joe Eisenberg, KØNEB, will present on Dayton Hamvention: Reunion 1952 – 2022. After two years of being shut down due to COVID, Hamvention was back, and it was a great success! You won’t want to miss this update!

Dayton Hamvention is sponsored by the Dayton Amateur Radio Association and is the largest Amateur Radio gathering in the world.

ARRL Nebraska State Convention

The ARRL Nebraska State Convention will be Saturday, May 14, at the Lancaster County Event Center (map). Check out www.lincolnhamfest.org to stay in the know regarding Hamfest, and invite your friends to join you at the convention.

Volunteers needed

We’ll be setting up the room on Friday, May 13, from noon to 5:00 pm. Volunteers are needed Friday and Saturday to assist with setting up tables, escorting flea market and exhibitor participants to their designated areas, raffle ticket sales, and more. If you are available to help on one or both of those days, please get in touch with me at k0rpt@arrl.net.

We look forward to having a great convention and hope to see you there!

May Club Meeting

In-person only. Zoom has been discontinued pending that COVID counts remain low in Lancaster County.

HF Basics

Upgrading from the Technician class to the General class may begin and end with a test, but the challenges of becoming a good HF operator are just beginning! Learning new modes, equipment, and operating procedures can seem overwhelming.

Greg Brown, KTØK, will present a basic introduction to setting up your first station, the proper adjustment and use of HF equipment, and operating procedures to make your transition more enjoyable. There will also be a few tips to help long-time HF operators hone their skills.

Lancaster County Storm Spotter Make-up Session

Lancaster County Spotter Training Make-Up Session will be Saturday, May 7th at the LARC Clubhouse. Registration begins at 9:30 AM. Brian Smith will start his presentation at 11:00 AM. The credentialing exam will follow and Ed’s, KØRPT, presentation will follow the exam.
  • 09:30 AM Registration
  • 11:00 AM Brian Smith.
  • 12:30 PM Exam
  • 1:00 PM Ed, KØRPT, Presentation
Please contact Ed, KØRPT, at k0rpt@arrl.net and let him know you’ll be there.