August Club Meeting

Programming Your Radio with CHIRP

In-person: LARC Clubhouse (4420 NW 41st St., Lincoln).
Zoom: (meeting: 937 5139 3405; Passcode: 554816).

So, you have a new radio, but how do you program it? CHIRP is a free, open-source software programming package for ham radios, and it simplifies the process by allowing you to use a single tool to update most radios.

We will cover the basics of using CHIRP, focusing on programming Baofeng radios. Topics will include choosing a cable, common issues under Windows, and the basics of operating CHIRP.

Repeater lists are constantly in flux, but the list I use is available at under “other files.” This is the list I will use during the presentation.

Heatstroke 100 – Looking for Hams

The 2022 Heatstroke 100 ride is Sunday, August 28, beginning at 7:30 am. The Strategic Air Command and Aerospace Museum on Hwy 66, east of Ashland, will be the hub for three road loops stretching from Greenwood to Louisville and incorporating the Lied Platte River Bridge (MoPac Trail).

More information about the ride, along with maps, is available at

We will be using the Ashland repeater, KØASH, 145.310(-). A mobile radio is required for this event.

An online sign-up form is available at

Summer Tech Class – Zoom

The summer tech class is being offered in person and online.

Times: 6:30 pm – 9:30 pm, Monday evenings
First session: July 11
Kruger Center, Room 130, Union College
4989 Bancroft Ave, Lincoln, NE 68506
Enter on the lower floor from the northeast parking lot. The room is down the hall to the left.

For those joining online, here is the connection information.

Meeting ID: 963 6239 9991
Passcode: Tech

July Club Meeting

Lincoln Electric Systems

Lincoln Electric Systems will be out to do a presentation and demonstration on power safety. Their presentation is always informative and entertaining. I understand some pickles will be part of the demonstration.

Bring your friends and family. Power safety is something all of us need to remember