The date of the Flea Market has been moved to Saturday, July 30th. It will run from 08:00 to 12:00 at the KØGND QTH. See the July LOG (coming out shortly), for details.
Author Archives: NØADR
May Club Meeting
The May club meeting is May 11 at 19:30. We will meet at Firespring (1201 Infinity Court — located between Pine Lake and Yankee Hill, west of 14th street). Parking is in the front.
Social Conversations
We will have four separate areas of conversation about ham radio and LARC which you can join. Subjects will be chosen at the meeting, so bring your ideas.
April Club Meeting
The April club meeting is April 13 at 19:30. We will meet at Firespring (1201 Infinity Court — located between Pine Lake and Yankee Hill, west of 14th street). Parking is in the front.
Extreme Weather 2015: A Review of the Nebraska and U.S. Severe Weather
It’s that time of year again for our annual program presented by Dr. Ken Dewey, Applied Climate Researcher at UNL. Ken will give us an overview of the nation’s extreme weather events of 2015. He will also review the 2015 tornado season and compare it to the normals for the U.S., Nebraska, and our part of the state. He will also look back at the most dramatic event of 2015, the flooding in our area during May 2015.
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Fundraising Opportunity May 7 & 8
The Lincoln Chamber of Commerce has contacted LARC with a fundraising opportunity for the club. To participate, we need a coordinator and approximately 15 volunteers. If you are interested please email John, KRØP, at
Details are below…
Save the date!
The 2016 ARRL Nebraska State Convention / Lincoln Hamfest is April 23. You won’t want to miss it. The gates open at 8:30 a.m. and close at 2 p.m. so come early.
There will be prizes, flea-market, forums, tech demos, and FCC license testing. Come get a deal and stay for the rest.
To learn more, check out