October Club Meeting

The October club meeting is October 12 at 19:30. We will meet at Firespring (1201 Infinity Court — located between Pine Lake and Yankee Hill, west of 14th street). Parking is in the front.

John C. Haxby – Cinemaphotographer & Storm Chaser

John C. Haxby is a professional cinemaphotographer and a professional
storm chaser. He will talk about what it’s like to be a storm chaser, some do’s
and don’ts for us as storm spotters, and some experiences he has had along
with pictures.

John worked for KOLN-TV until last year when he went to work with
WeatherNation. John has spent last week in Iowa reporting on the floods.

Amateur Radio Parity Act

On September 12, The US House of Representatives passed the “Amateur Radio Parity Act” to protect the rights of Radio Amateurs. Now is the time to contact your U.S. Senators and urge them to support this important legislation.

Even if you are not affected by HOAs or other restrictions, please support this important ACT for those who are.

To learn more and help support the Act, please go to: https://arrl.rallycongress.net/ctas/urge-senate-to-support-amateur-radio-parity-act

September Club Meeting

The September club meeting is September 14 at 19:30. We will meet at Firespring (1201 Infinity Court — located between Pine Lake and Yankee Hill, west of 14th street). Parking is in the front.

National Parks on the Air

Mike Arter, NØTTE, will present how Amateur Radio is helping the National Park Service celebrate its 100th anniversary.

Come learn more about the contest and the summer adventures of several of our club members.

August Club Meeting

The August club meeting is August 10 at 19:30. We will meet at Firespring (1201 Infinity Court — located between Pine Lake and Yankee Hill, west of 14th street). Parking is in the front.

Weather Balloons

Mark Conner, N9XTN, will present on Amateur Radio High Altitude Ballooning (ARHAB), which is an increasingly popular science-oriented hobby among Amateur Radio enthusiasts.

The Nebraska Stratospheric Amateur Radio (NSTAR) group has conducted nearly 60 flights since its inception in 2000, mostly in eastern Nebraska and western Iowa. The presentation will show highlights from past launches, including on-board camera footage.

Field Day

Field Day is this weekend (6/25-6/26) at the Mahoney City Park (Fremont & N 70th).  The event will officially kick off at 13:00 on Saturday.  There will be a picnic at about 17:30 and Fox Hunt on Saturday as well.  The event will run till 13:00 Sunday.

Come out and work the radios, visit, and have a grand time.  Everyone is welcome!  If you don’t have a ham license, that is OK.  You can still come out and participate.