Nebraska 150th anniversary

Nebraska 150 logoNebraska hams will help the state celebrate its 150th anniversary in 2017. Throughout the year, hams in the state will sign their calls with WØN special event call sign or add a “/NE150” suffix to their call. The Lincoln Amateur Radio Club is among the first participants in the commemorative. They have been operating station WØN since January 1 and will remain active through the end of March or even longer. In addition, they will operate during special events during the rest of the year, such as field day. WØN has made close to 2,000 QSOs and processed close to 200 QSL requests thus far! We also have a Facebook page set up to follow who is operating when and what modes to help keep track, so no one interferes with one another. The link is for NE150hams

The NE150Hams committee is led by ARRL Midwest Division Vice Director Art Zygielbaum, KØAIZ, and Nebraska Section Manager Matt Anderson, KAØBOJ. Members include Fred Eriksen, KBØLF, John Mardock, KRØP, Larry Frisch, KDØRTK, Dale Douglas KDØWVD, and Kurt Bauer, WBØAEA. Nebraska QCWA and other clubs and organizations have volunteered to provide event support.

The high point will be a Nebraska Sesquicentennial QSO Party for the nine days around the anniversary date, March 1, 2017. The event will start at 1300 UTC on Feb. 25, 2017, and end at 2300 UTC on March 5, 2017. The commemorative is sanctioned as an official state event by the Nebraska Sesquicentennial Commission.

Nebraska hams are encouraged to activate Nebraska historical and cultural sites. In addition, Nebraska hams may operate in recognition of well-known Nebraskans such as literary or historical figures.

Special commemorative QSL cards will be distributed to Nebraska Hams at no cost (except for postage to ship the cards to them). They can use them to confirm their QSOs.

For QSOs made during the Centennial Week QSO Party, certificates will be issued to out-of-state hams recognizing the number of NE stations worked, and to NE stations recognizing the total number of QSOs made. Participating hams will be asked to submit their logs electronically, if possible, for review. Details will be posted on the commemorative website ( as soon as possible.

Lincoln Hamfest

The Lincoln Hamfest/ARRL Nebraska State Convention is scheduled for March 11, 2017.  It will be held at the Lancaster Event Center.

The team is working diligently to put together another successful event. There are a number of vendors already confirmed and more coming.  Visit to see the latest details and register.

FREE Flea in Omaha 01/14

It’s on! The regular FREE Flea in the middle of winter is on again, this time at the former Motorcycle dealership along Center Street at 55th from 8AM – Noon on Saturday the 14th of January 2017.

Tell everyone you know. It’s not often we get to go to one of these close by and get in for FREE. (If you’re a vendor, show up with your OWN TABLE a bit early to set up.)

Visit for more details.

January Club Meeting

The January club meeting is January 11 at 19:30. We will meet at LI-COR (4647 Superior Street) – located near the intersection of Superior Street and North 48th Street.

ALLO Communications: Zero to Gigabit in Light Speed!

Mark Caniglia and Nick Colton of ALLO Communications will present on how ALLO communications is bringing gigabit internet, voice, and video to Lincoln.

Mark will provide the marketing details of ALLO and how you can benefit from being a subscriber of ALLO while Nick will present all the technology facts that you will not want to miss.

After the presentation there will be a question and answer session.

See you January 11 at LI-COR!

LOG Folding

LOG folding will be January 3 at 7:00 pm. Come out and help get the January edition out and spend time with your fellow hams.

We will be meeting at the Red Cross building located at 220 Oakcreek Dr. in Lincoln.