May Club Meeting

The April club meeting is May 10 at 19:30. We will meet at Northern Lighthouse Church, 6131 North 14th Street.  Google Map: map showing Northern Lighthouse Church

The Amateur Radio Emergency Data Network (ARDEN™)

ARDEN™ is a high-speed data network built with Amateur Radio operators and
emergency communications Infrastructure in mind. By itself, AREDN is only
a networking technology that provides the basis for services such as email,
video, phone systems, computer-aided dispatching, and many others.

Adam Kavan, KDØMMG, and Mary Joseph, NØTRK, members of the Ak-Sar-
Ben Amateur Radio Club, will give an overview of the AREDN system and
demo some of the services that can be provided.

April Club Meeting

The April club meeting is April 12 at 19:30. We will meet at LI-COR (4647 Superior Street) – located near the intersection of Superior Street and North 48th Street.

Presentation by Jim Davidsaver

Jim Davidsaver, Lancaster County Emergency Management Director, will talk about the EOC (Emergency Operation Center).

The EOC is designed to coordinate and manage the response and recovery operations during disasters and other declared emergencies.

The most common activation of the EOC is severe weather, so you don’t want to miss this presentation!

March Club Meeting

The March club meeting is March 8 at 19:30. We will meet at LI-COR (4647 Superior Street) – located near the intersection of Superior Street and North 48th Street.

Presentation by Ken Dewey

After years of chasing storms, the storms finally caught Ken Dewey, WDØBIV, and trashed his home and neighborhood on the afternoon of May 9, 2016. Come to the next club meeting at LI-COR on March 8. Ken will give us his first-hand account, with photos and videos, of Lincoln’s worst hailstorm on record and Lincoln’s first tornado since 1957.

Oh, and he might just give us an outlook of what to expect this coming storm season in our area.

Storm Spotter Training April 1

The annual storm spotter training will be held April 1 in conjunction with the 17 annual Central Plains Severe Weather Symposium.  It is being held this year at the Nebraska Innovation Campus located at 2021 Transformation Dr (

The severe weather seminars start at 12:30 with the spotter training at 14:30.

State spotter certification will be offered for those who need it. If you passed the state spotter credentials in 2013 or before, you will need to re-certify. State certification is good for three years. In addition to attending the April 1 training, new and renewed spotters must complete two online courses and take the written exam in order to receive the state credentials.

Online courses are available at You will need to complete the modules titled: Role of SKYWARN® Spotters
and SKYWARN® Spotter Convective Basics. Be sure to send the certificate of completion to