January Club Meeting

The January club meeting is Jan. 10 at 19:30. We will meet at LI-COR (4647 Superior Street) – located near the intersection of Superior Street and North 48th Street.


Doc Chaves, Director of Corporate Communications, will present about LICOR, the company graciously allowing us to use their meeting space.

LI-COR Biosciences helps scientists around the world to improve lives by advancing discovery and is a leading innovator in systems for plant research, gas analysis, drug discovery, protein research, and small animal imaging.

VE Exams

VE Exams will resume January 4, 2018, at Nate’s Place, 2701 N 48th Street.  This is the location where Northside Cafe used to be.

December Club Meeting

The December club meeting is Dec. 13 at 19:30. We will meet at LI-COR (4647 Superior Street) – located near the intersection of Superior Street and North 48th Street.


It is time for the 2018 Board elections.  Come out and vote for your favorite candidate. Bios for all candidates are in the November and December LOGs.  If you don’t make any other meeting, come to this one.  If you aren’t a member, you can sign up at the meeting.

Your vote is needed!

November Club Meeting

The November club meeting is Nov. 8 at 19:30. We will meet at LI-COR (4647 Superior Street) – located near the intersection of Superior Street and North 48th Street.

FT8 & Digital Modes

Joe Eisenberg, KØNEB, will present on using digital modes for ham radio and specifically the new mode, FT8.