Technician Class Starting

Do you know someone who wants to get their ham radio license? The time is now! The Lincoln Amateur Radio Club is putting on a FREE six-week course for the Technician License! Courses begin Wednesday, September 19, 2018, at 6:30 pm. Each class will run until 9:30 pm.

For the class, you may choose to purchase a book, and we will be teaching from the ARRL’s Ham Radio License Manual, 4th Edition. Please note, if you purchase the book online, be sure you’re purchasing the 4th Edition, as it covers the test questions that came into effect in July of this year.

The course will be taught by Justin Williamson, W5NEB, and Bryan Leavitt, WØBCL.

The class will meet in Room 130 of Kruger Hall at Union College. Free parking is available.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Please RSVP to

September Club Meeting

The September club meeting is September  12 at 19:30. We will meet at LI-COR (4647 Superior Street) – located near the intersection of Superior Street and North 48th Street.

6 meters

Have you operated on 6 meters? Do you know why we call it “The Magic Band”? I’ll present at the September club meeting about antennas, the band plan, CW, SSB, and possibly a little FT8 or other digital modes. I will touch on band opening indicators, grid squares, contests, and online chat sites where you can see the band open right before your eyes. I’m excited to show you why I like 6 meters. ~ Ed Holloway, KØRPT

August Club Meeting

The August Club meeting is August 8 at 19:30. We will meet at Northern Lighthouse Church, 6131 North 14th Street. Google Map:

Operating HF

Upgrading from Technician class to General class may begin and end with a
test, but the challenges of becoming a good HF operator are just beginning!

Learning new modes, equipment, and operating procedures can seem
overwhelming. Greg Brown, KTØK, will present a basic introduction to
setting up your first station, the proper adjustment and use of HF equipment,
and operating procedures to make your transition more enjoyable. There will
also be a few tips to help long-time HF operators hone their skills.

July Club Meeting

The June Club meeting is June 13 at 19:30. We will meet at Northern Lighthouse Church, 6131 North 14th Street.  Google Map:

Electrical Safety

John Huseman, WDØEZI, a retired master electrician, will present information about electrical safety and the National Electrical Code (NEC). He will concentrate on chapters two and eight of the NEC: electrical grounding and radio and television stations. In addition to the presentation, John will have some “show and tell.”