April Club Meeting

The April club meeting is April 8 at 19:30 via Facebook Live on the LARC Facebook page.

2020 Lancaster County Spotter Training

This year, like last, will be the Lancaster County Spotter Training for Amateur Radio operators. The PowerPoint that we normally show during our presentation will again be used. All ham radio operators, who can participate in SKYWARN nets and callouts should view this presentation. I will include a question in the middle and end of the presentation that will need to be answered after the presentation concludes. Please visit www.neares.net/lcst and supply your name, call sign, quiz answer, and then click on “Register.”

Please see the LOG for additional details.

April LOG folding canceled

The April LOG folding session has been canceled.  Fear not, the LOG is still going out. Individuals have stepped up to see that it gets out while maintaining social distancing.

Stay healthy!

Classes Canceled

To protect the health of our instructors and students, all ham radio classes for this spring have been canceled. We are planning to offer classes again this fall.

— Aaron, NØADR