January Club Meeting

The January club meeting will be held at 7:30 pm in the main parking lot of Mahoney Park, near 70th and Fremont Streets. Talk-in and the meeting will be held on 146.52 (simplex).

ISO Your Great Ideas!

Happy New Year, hopefully. I’m sure you’ll agree that 2020 was a year not worth repeating. The LARC Board appreciates each member’s continued participation during the pandemic.

We will not have a formal program during the January 13 meeting. Instead, LARC president Ed Holloway, KØRPT, and I will lead a discussion about ways the club can plan social events and functions within the county’s current DHMs.

What topics or presenters do you want to be featured at the 10 remaining meetings, February through November of 2021?

Creative ideas that provide socialization while keeping everyone safe will be welcomed during this discussion.

December Club Meeting

The December club meeting will be held at 6:30 pm in the main parking lot of Mahoney Park, near 70th and Fremont Streets. Talk-in is on 146.52, and the net control will be Ed Holloway, KØRPT. The meeting will also be streamed on the KØKKV Facebook page.

LARC Board Election

It is time to elect club members to the LARC Board. It is critical for all members to come and vote.

Check the December LOG for short write-ups from each of the candidates and details on how this year’s election will be handled. Come to the club meeting and vote for the candidates you want to see on your LARC Board of Directors.

Holiday Party Canceled

The 2020 Holiday Party has been canceled due to the current local COVID risk and Directed Health Measures.  The 2020 Club Awards will be presented during the December club meeting and broadcast on Facebook live.

General Class

The Lincoln Amateur Radio Club is hosting a FREE eight-week course for the General License!

Classes begin Wednesday, November 18, at 6:30 pm. Each class will run until approximately 9:30 pm.

Please come with a copy of the ARRL General Class License Manual, Ninth Edition, available from the ARRL and Amazon. (updated 11/15 with corrected links and version)

The course will be held online via Zoom.
URL: bit.ly/LARCGenClass
Meeting ID: 992 2461 5302
Passcode: 465533

Please RSVP to class@k0kkv.org.

November Club Meeting

The November club meeting will be via Zoom: bit.ly/LARCMeeting. Meeting ID: 830 4492 9864; Passcode: 561270. If you have questions about joining the meeting, please email president@k0kkv.org.

LARC Board Candidates

Please join us for our November meeting, as the election committee announces the 2020 LARC Board candidates. The (virtual) “floor” will be open for nominations for the December election. After the nominations are received by the committee, we’ll enjoy some social time on Zoom! It’s been a long time since most of us have been able to socialize with fellow club members, so grab your favorite snack and beverage and stick around with your fellow Hams.