September Club Meeting

In-person: Northern Lighthouse Church (6141 N 14th St, Lincoln).
Zoom: (meeting: 937 5139 3405; Passcode: 554816).
DHM: Per the Lancaster County Directed Health Measure (DHM), all in-person attendees are required to wear a mask. Thank you in advance!

Presentation by Bob Heil, K9EID

Bob Heil, K9EID, founder of Heil Sound, understood very early in his career as a microphone designer that voice articulation is key to ham radio, both for emergency use and the hobbyist. His ham radio products are a result of that level of concern for the voice. Bob is an Amateur Radio legend, an author, and an in-demand speaker at ham events around the world.

Aug. Public Service – Volunteers Needed

The month of August is HEATING UP! We have two events and they involve bikes! The first event is brand new, the Gravel Worlds 2021. It is similar to the Gravel Grinder, a Cornhusker State Games. This event is much larger, however! I have been informed this sold-out ride has approximately 1,700 participants. It is on Saturday, August 21, starting and finishing at SchillingBridge Cork and Tap House, located in the Fallbrook neighborhood, just minutes from downtown Lincoln.

The sponsor of this event, Pirate Cycling League (PCL), heard of us through people who know us and informed the PCL team how well we work with events such as these. In their email to me, the event organizers were very excited for us to help, so much so they are going to feed each Ham volunteer at SchillingBridge. Also, they are going to make a donation to LARC in appreciation of our event support. So please keep this date open. With this many participants, I need all hands on deck! Arr! I will have more information at the club meeting, but please, if you are willing to help, contact me ASAP at

The second event, the Heatstroke 100 bike ride, is just a week later on Sunday, August 29. Yep, the folks at Great Plains Bicycling Club again have asked for our help with their day-long event. The participants start and finish at the Strategic Air Command and Aerospace Museum, on Hwy 66 just off of I-80. Our job is to keep riders safe and possibly SAG them or call for a SAG to come get them.  As is in the past, the Great Plains Bicycling Club has made a generous donation for our time and efforts supporting their event. They also feed us brats!

I will have more information about both of these great events at the club meeting. If you are willing to help, contact me ASAP at

Keep in mind we have some events coming up for the months of September and October, and more information will come in next month’s LOG. Hope to see many of you out there doing what we do best — communicate and keep people safe for the fun of it!

— Mike Long, KØSHC
Public Service Chair

August Club Meeting

Nebraska Task Force One (NE-TF1)

In-person: Northern Lighthouse Church (6141 N 14th St, Lincoln).
Zoom: (meeting: 937 5139 3405; Passcode: 554816).

The presenter for August is Mark Doehling, WDØAAH, from Nebraska Task Force One (NE-TF1). Nebraska Task Force One is among 28 urban search and rescue task forces in the national disaster response system under the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). NE-TF1 was established in 1993 with Lincoln Fire and Rescue as its sponsoring agency. NE-TF1 has been at the forefront of providing aid in disasters like Hurricane Katrina; the Greensburg, Kansas, tornado; the flood in Boulder, Colorado; and many others.

Mark is also the Butler County Emergency Manager, a firefighter, EMT, and EC. He has been a Ham for about 44 years. See you at the club meeting!

July Club Meeting

NeARES & NeARES Repeater Network

In-person: Northern Lighthouse Church (6141 N 14th St, Lincoln).
Zoom: (meeting: 937 5139 3405; Passcode: 554816).

NeARES is a nonprofit organization based in Lincoln, NE. This is a memberless organization with a mission that covers many areas of Amateur Radio, including public service, emergency operations, education, and building relationships through volunteerism to governmental agencies.

The July 2021 LARC meeting presentation will cover information about this organization and its mission. We will also give a review of our primary project: the NeARES Repeater Network, a statewide analog system built through a consortium of repeater owners.

See you at the club meeting!

Annual Pre “Lincoln Hamfest” Dinner, Friday June 18, 5:30 pm

All hams and convention vendors are invited to a pre “Lincoln Hamfest” dinner at LEES RESTAURANT, Friday, June 18, 5:30 pm, at West Van Dorn and Coddington. Dutch treat, order off the menu. It is a good time to renew old friendships from across Nebraska and create new ones. All hams are invited. Bring a fellow ham, friends, and family member for an evening of fellowship and good down-home American food.

RSVP with Chuck Bennett at to ensure enough seats are reserved.

1920 West Van Dorn, St. Lincoln.