
Lincoln Amateur Radio Club, Inc.

Lincoln Amateur Radio Club
PO Box 5006
Lincoln NE. 68505-0006

4420 NW 41st Street
Lincoln NE 68524

KØKKV – 146.760 (-)

Club Dues:
Full Member: $15.00 per year (includes one subscription to the club newsletter, the Lincoln LOG)
Associate Member:  $10.00 per year (One full membership required at the same address)

Club Activities:
Public Service
Nightly Nets
Field Day
Club Station
VE Exams
Ham Radio classes

Monthly Meeting:
Open to the public
7:30 PM, the second Wednesday of the month
LARC Clubhouse: 4420 NW 42st Street, Lincoln

ARRL Exam Session
6:30 pm, the first Thursday of the month
College View SDA Church, 4801 Prescott Ave

ARRL Affiliated Club

Where is the Lincoln Amateur Radio Club?
The Lincoln Amateur Radio Club is a general-service club for Amateur Radio operators in and near Lincoln and Lancaster County, Nebraska. There are also members from well outside this geographical area.

What frequencies does the Club use?
The Lincoln Amateur Radio Club owns and operates the KØKKV repeater on a frequency of 146.760 MHz (-). Though no sub-audible tone is required for access, the repeater generates a 100.0 Hz tone to help with intermod in the downtown area.

This is the primary ARES® and Skywarn repeater for the area. When ARES® or Skywarn is activated, the subaudible tone is changed to 123.0 Hz. This is often used by local hams to keep radios quiet from normal day-to-day chatter until there is an activation.

What does membership cost?
Annual memberships are $15.00 for a full member and $10.00 for an associate member. Memberships run from January 1 thru December 31.

What does the Club do?
The Lincoln Amateur Radio Club is extremely active in Public Service activities. ARES® and Skywarn resources are drawn primarily from members of the Club. Other Public Service events include the Lincoln Marathon, the Crop Walk, the Cornhusker State Games, and many other events where our duties are primarily to insure that the participants are safe or summon assistance for injuries or equipment malfunctions. These activities allow us to hone our skills while providing invaluable communications during emergencies.

The Club is very active, offering a variety of classes and information. Monthly testing sessions are available for anyone wanting to obtain their first Amateur Radio license or upgrade an existing one. Watch the main page as classes of various types are offered from time-to-time.

A monthly newsletter, the Lincoln LOG, is mailed to all licensed Lancaster County Amateur Radio Operators and to LARC members anywhere.  The LOG offers information about upcoming Club meetings, reports on events where Hams are needed, and articles about recent activities where local Hams participated.

For more information about the Lincoln Amateur Radio Club, please send U.S. mail to:

Lincoln Amateur Radio Club
PO Box 5006
Lincoln NE. 68505-0006