I want to apologize to all who attended the Weatherfest and Spotter training 4/6/19. I apologize that we were not able to complete the amateur radio training. There was a room scheduling issue that prevented our being able to conduct training. I was not afforded this information until minutes before what was to be the start of my presentation. Fortunately, this month’s LARC club meeting will cover a lot of the new information that I was going to present. Greg, KTØK, and I will share in the presentation and deliver the much needed, new information regarding NET protocols and post-disaster ARES information. Please join us at LI-COR for April’s club meeting this Wednesday night, April 10, at 7:30 PM.
For those ARES teams who traveled from as far as Dakota County, Hall County and many adjacent to Lancaster County, I invite you to join us at our club meeting as well. I thank you for traveling to Lincoln and I apologize for not being able to deliver the training. I will modify and narrate my powerpoint, make into a video and post in on the website or, can deliver it via email to you directly. I will also make available to your club, the time to present the information to your team at one of your club meetings. Thank you for your participation in SkyWarn and ARES.
Ed Holloway, KØRPT
President Lincoln Amateur Radio Club, Inc.
ARRL NE Section Emergency Coordinator
ARRL NE Section Lancaster County EC