Fundraising Opportunity May 7 & 8

The Lincoln Chamber of Commerce has contacted LARC with a fundraising opportunity for the club.  To participate, we need a coordinator and approximately 15 volunteers.  If you are interested please email John, KRØP, at

Details are below…

The Lincoln Chamber of Commerce, Nebraska National Guard and Lincoln Airport Authority welcome you to the Guardians of Freedom Air Show, the largest and most exciting airshow in Nebraska this year. Nearly 250,000 attendees will converge on Lincoln’s Airpark during this two day event occurring May 7-8, 2016. Civilian aerobatic acts as well as a parachute team, military and vintage demonstrations are among the event’s highlights this year, with the Navy Blue Angels as the signature aviation act.

It takes hundreds of people to pull off an event of this size including needing 600 volunteers over the two day period to work the concessions stands. The Guardians of Freedom Airshow has contracted National Concessions to oversee the food preparation and sales for this event. Working these concessions stands is a great fundraiser for civic clubs, student organizations, club sports and other non-profit entities.

We are looking for groups that can commit one or two days of their time to volunteer at these concession stands. In return, your organization will earn $55 per person that works each day. In order to staff each concession stand, we need approximately fifteen people to work it. Should your group be interested in this fundraising operation, but are unable to come up with fifteen people, we will partner you with another organization.

Volunteers will be expected to arrive no later than 8:30am the day of the show and will need to stay until 5:30pm. All volunteers will be able to park in a dedicated parking lot close to volunteer check-in and will receive unlimited food and drink while working the show. As with all concession stands, there are peak times and slower times. When times are slow, you can take the opportunity to watch the airshow occurring above you. Volunteers will also be required to have food handler permits. If you don’t already have one, the Lincoln Chamber of Commerce will pay for you to get your permit. This can be completed on line. The process takes approximately one hour and the permit is yours to keep for future volunteer opportunities or work employment!

Tracie Simpson